Details about The Mandalorian coming to Disney+


All the details about The Mandalorian the new Star Wars original series coming to the Disney+ platform.

Season 1 Episodes/Airdates:

  • #101- November 12 (season premiere)
  • #102- November 15
  • #103- November 22
  • #104- November 29
  • #105- December 6
  • #106- December 13
  • #107- December 18
  • #108 – December 27 (season finale)
the mandalorian
The Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) in Lucasfilm’s THE MANDALORIAN.

Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau introduced the panel and shared a clip of the footage with the crowd. Favreau says that the show is great for anyone new to Star Wars and fans that have loved the franchise for a long time.

The Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) in Lucasfilm’s THE MANDALORIAN.

Pedro Pascal plays the Mandalorian. He said that is was a true “fantasy fulfillment” for him.  The Mandalorian is a mysterious lone gunfighter on the outreaches. The show has a lot of western and samurai vibes.

Cara Dune Mandalorian
Cara Dune (Gina Carano) in Lucasfilm’s THE MANDALORIAN.

“He’s a badass,” Pascal said. “He’s got a lot of Clint Eastwood in him. Sergio Leone, Kurosawa.”

Gina Carano plays Cara Dune and shes an ex-rebel shock trooper. She’s a loner and learning how to reintegrate back into society. Gina’s stunt double didn’t get to see a lot of action because Gina was doing her own stunts. Carano began her career in the MMA arena doing Muay Thai.

Carl Weathers Mandalorian
Greef (Carl Weathers) in Lucasfilm’s THE MANDALORIAN.

Carl Weathers plays Greef, a man that runs a guild of bounty hunters. -Looking for someone to go after a product for a client. He hires the Mandalorian and goes out there and gets things done.razor crest The Mandalorian

The Razor Crest is a reflective silver old army surplus that the Mandalorian flies around in. Filoni compared it to Luke’s X-wing.

The 501st Mandalorian

In one of the scenes, they needed more stormtroopers so they called up the 501st to come down and fill in the spots. What an awesome experience for some mega fans!

The Mandalorian

After the stories of Jango and Boba Fett, another warrior emerges in the Star Wars universe. The Mandalorian is set after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order. We follow the travails of a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic.

The Mandalorian will premiere November 12 with the launch of Disney+.

Take a look at the first episode photos below.

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